Business policy

Talent Plastics shall, through its own strength and together with selected partners, be a leading supplier of components and systems that include thermoplastic products.

Our customers are the foundation of our existence. By meeting customers’ expectations, we create success together.

We must comply with applicable laws and other requirements for our business and our products. Our actions must be characterized by a high level of business ethics.

In the places where Talent Plastics operates, we want to prevent pollution and reduce our negative impact on the environment.

Our work environment must be safe, developing and without special treatment. The ambition is for our staff to be committed and we will offer an environment that is characterized by clear guidelines.

We have an open attitude towards all stakeholders such as customers, the general public, staff and owners.

Continuous improvement in all areas must be part of the daily work for all employees.

Our values ​​are:

Responsibility – Respect – Positive – Innovative